poolside of a villa with shell beige limestone and couple palm trees

5 Benefits of Limestone Flooring

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The use of natural stone in buildings is a method preferred by man for thousands of years. Limestone is one of the stones with a very wide usage area among natural stones. You can often see the limestone, which has a very wide area of use, as a building material. You can use the limestone flooring in interior and exterior walls, bathroom and kitchen floor, architectural decoration and design and pool decks.

You can see many important historical artifacts made with limestone, which has been among construction materials such as mortar and plaster since ancient times. It is easily used in interior and exterior building construction thanks to the limestone, which attracts attention with its wide area in our country, its easy processing, and cutting.

Limestone is a common type of rock in our country. Generally, limestone flooring is a soft and porous type among the natural stone and it is formed by shells and bones.

  1. If we examine the limestone flooring in terms of its temperature and humidity performances, we -can say that its compressive strength is high. According to researches, limestone flooring as traditional material used in buildings has been observed to adapt qıickly to periodic climate changes.
  2. Many buildings have been built for thousands of years thanks to limestone, which is known as the raw material of lime and one of the constructive stones of marble. Today, it draws attention with it is natural appearance and aesthetic difference.
  3. You can get a different and stylish look with limestone flooring, one of the indispensable materials of the stone art tradition.
  4. Thanks to limestone flooring, which is preferred for its long-lasting use and is very resistant to external effects, you can maintain the ambiance you create in the area for a long time.
  5. Since it is porous and permeable due to it is structure, limestone flooring tiles that you can use with natural cleaners are also important in terms of providing hygiene in your homes. You can easily do your daily cleaning with limestone flooring types, which are known to be very resistant to bacteria and mold.

Our company produces two types of limestone colors: Shell Beige and Perla Bianco. Because Shell Beige contains more shell than Perla Bianco, it has a more natural and self patterned appearance. Perla Bianco, on the other hand, draws attention with it is flatter and simpler appearance.